One of the interesting critters I have been watching here are the lizards. They range in size from about 10" down to itty-bitty babies about an inch long, and they are everywhere. I don't mind them; they want nothing from me. They don't want my blood (mosquitos). They don't want to sting me (scorpions). They don't want to "snuggle" into folds of sheets, towels, clothing, shower curtains . . . (earwigs), and they don't want to eat my wood (termites)! They just want to scamper around! So, I'm good with that.
Late this afternoon, while walking from the classroom, we saw the most amazing lizard yet:
"Hide and Seek" Lizard
"Now You See Me . . ."
"Now You Don't!" |
As we were trying to get a good picture, someone came along, trying to help, and pulled the branch to the ground, whereupon the lizard fell out. I personally would not have disturbed it that way, but we did get a good picture:
"I am really angry now!"
"Attack Mode!"
The colors were more vivid than can be seen in the picture, and the size was bigger, too. It was quite a special sight! So vast are the wonders of God's creation!
I agree, lizards would be fine!! So you have spiders there and are they huge???