Happy February! To modify an often-quoted phrase, "Life is what happens when you are busy planning how to BLOG about it!" My score as a "blogger" has plummeted drastically, and I have been humbled once again for wondering why other missionary blogs I followed were not updated more frequently, and thinking surely I could do a much better job!!!
Since February is the "month of love," and more importantly, the month of my first-born's arrival into this world (!), I want to communicate some thoughts related to love! First of all, be assurred we still LOVE it here! We love the community on the compound, we love the larger SIM community and how generously they minister to others, and our hearts have touched in wonderful ways by the people of Galmi.
We had our first "Galmi church experience" recently and once again I found my heart melted by many things I saw and heard. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures of this event; it just was not an appropriate time to play "tourist."
There are a couple of reasons we haven't gone to "Galmi church" until now: First, we have a worship service on the compound every Sunday evening, and secondly, we speak neither French nor Hausa (said like "house - uh), which are the languages used in church. But, I discovered that was not very important, because God speaks "heart!" Language is not a barrier to my praying. Language is not a barrier to singing familiar tunes with foreign words from a songbook. Language is not a barrier to listening and clapping to the wonderful African voices praising God. And language is not a barrier to watching adults and absolutely adorable children as they worship our God together!
I can't wait until next Sunday!
Yea, Mom! Good job with the blogging as of late. And thanks for the veiled "shout out". My birthday was lovely but it would've been better had I received a hug from you both.