mail: Barb/Phil Palmer c/o Galmi Hospital B.P. 44 Madaoua, Niger

Monday, October 10, 2011

School Days, School Days . . .

"Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things!" 
Psalm 98:1a

Whenever I think of the phrase "school days," I can't help but sing (in my head!)  the rest of the song:
               "School days, school days, dear old golden rule days,
                Reading and 'Riting and "Rithmetic,
                Taught to the tune of a hickory stick . . . "

I never got the "hickory stick," but I was almost "sent packing" in first grade because I had the whole class "hide" under their desks after lunch, thinking the teacher would have a "fun surprise" when she returned and saw no students!  Yes, I was more than a little naive thinking she wouldn't see us under the desks, and my intentions were noble, not to mention my leadership potential,  so I still think she should have "cut me a little more slack" in the punishment department!  Anyway, I quickly learned to fold my hands correctly on my desktop and sit up straight, which were indicators of intelligence, along with being in the "blue group" for reading, so by all counts, and despite my rough beginning,  I was headed for academic success!

Ha ha!  My little classroom of eight students here in Galmi, is filled with intelligent children, all headed for success in the future, not because of how straight they sit or how they fold their hands, but because they, their parents, and all of us here, believe God knows us and loves us as individuals, and He has wonderful plans for each of us!

Galmi Day School is a vital part of the mission here in Niger.  The children in the classroom  represent 4 families whose parents work at the hospital as doctors, pharmacists, or with the AIDS program, or as nurses on the compound.  Phil and I feel so blessed to be here.

The Schoolhouse
The schoolhouse is one of the newest buildings and is at one end of the compound.  It is well-equipped for learning, with deep sink for projects, bathroom, book shelves, desks, and a couple of nice "break-out rooms," one of which we are using for kindergarten space, and as a one-on-one room.

As a teacher, it is a great opportunity to return for a second year, knowing what to bring and how to do a better job providing for individual needs.  Because I was going to have twice as many students, I decided to start the year with a little event I called "Tea With the Teacher." Each person got an individual invitation to come for a 20-minute "chat" with me and share some coffee cake and tea (or water).  This made the first day of school a little less intimidating for all of us.
"Tea With The Teacher"
I need not have worried;  these children are fantastic kiddos!  They chatted and sipped and ate as though they had tea and crumpets with the Queen every afternoon!
3rd-Grader G.
5th-Grader E.

5th-Grader J.

2nd-Grader D.
4th-Grader E.

5th-Grader N.

Kindergartener I.

Kindergartener A.
These sweet faces and "fun" personalities bring joy to me every day!  I pray they can say the same about their learning experiences each day this year!

In order to be able to reasonably meet the needs of such varied ages and abilities, and keep me more encouraged than "frazzled," God sent me . . . . . 
Jenny is a recent college grad who is investigating "medical missions," and has loaned herself to us for the school year.  She will get plenty of time throughout the year to investigate medicine as it plays out in Galmi.  We all love Jenny, who works one-on-one (or two!) during the times I work with the older kids.

It is just like the Lord to give us more than we can ask or hope for!  So . . . . . we also have
Phil is working one-on-one with a student,  just giving individual help on math!
But that's not all, folks.  In addition, I have received . . . . .
Gunnar, also a recent graduate, is working around the compound on painting and other projects, but has agreed to give the kids some PE time for an hour once a week!  They greatly look forward to this, even though it is extremely hot outside.

And on top of all this, at no extra charge, God is throwing in a set of Ginsu knives . . . oops . . . keep the Ginsu knives.  We get something WAY MORE VALUABLE!!!  We have . . . (drum roll)


You will see Tara's picture in future blogs, but just know she is TERRIFIC!  She works with the kindergarten children for an hour in the morning.  She is an enthusiastic, creative,  loving mom of 3, who helps introduce the littler students to the joy of learning.  The happy sounds coming from their room tempt me to stop my program and go see what is so much fun!

The compound is busy with activity, and the year is moving quickly by, and daily Phil and I  praise the Lord for this wonderful opportunity to experience God's hand moving in many lives, and increase in understanding of a bigger world and a very different culture.  Thank you again for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Barb, love how our prayers on your behalf are being answered, love how helpers have showed up!! I am excited for your students and the fun year ahead. Esp loved the blog about the how are you using that as a teaching experience for your students???
    Take care, love hearing from you,
